A Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) lesson which explores fire safety in the home. As this lesson is aimed at children and young people, it focuses on fire hazards which are the most relevant to them such as the dangers of charging electronic devices overnight and overloading extension leads. This presentation includes a video of a bedroom fire which shows how quickly a fire can start and how just as quickly it can spread. The presentation also covers the importance of smoke alarms and what to do if there is a fire in their home. This is a discussion-based lesson which will give pupils the opportunity to offer their own opinions whilst listening to and respecting the views of others.
How To Use
The content may be triggering for some pupils. Enquire beforehand whether any pupil has been previously affected by fire either physically or emotionally and assess well-being of any affected individuals before continuing with the lesson. Detailed guidance on how to use this presentation can be found in the lesson plan which is linked below. The learning from this lesson could be extended through the use of our series of Bitesize Safety Videos or by encouraging the children to think about and develop their own fire escape plan using our 'Fire Escape Plan' resource. These additional resources can be found linked below as 'Related Resources'.