
Saving lives through education

Our FREE online library is packed full of educational resources and activities from the UK’s leading emergency services and safety-focused organisations making it easy for you to find trusted materials that provide learning opportunities to help keep children safe.

See here to learn more about StayWise.

About StayWise

StayWise brings together the educational resources of the emergency services and key safety-focused organisations. We have done this to support teachers and community safety practitioners in delivering essential safety messages.

It facilitates a more effective, consistent and curriculum-linked way of imparting vital life skills to today's young people and preparing a safety-conscious environment for the generations of tomorrow. By using the tools on the site, we can strengthen relationships between communities and emergency services, enhancing the health and safety of everyone within our communities.

Whether you are an educator looking to enhance your teaching and learning or a member of a blue light, or safety-focused, organisation looking for prevention content, StayWise has resources for you.


I am a teacher, youth worker or volunteer delivering education to children and young people.

Teacher Area

Blue light & Safety focused organisations

I work for the emergency services or I am a safety professional looking for resources to support community engagement.

Blue Light Area

Public Resources

I am a young person, carer or parent looking for fun activities that will help keep me and my family safe.

Public Area

User feedback

We think StayWise is great, but don't just take our word for it. See what some of our users are saying about the site...