Home Fire Safety Year 2 Visit


This presentation has been designed as a session prompt and visual aid for the Year 2 Home Fire Safety visit high-tech version.  The links to all the interactive activities are in the presentation to make it easier to find them and the Fire Action Plan video is embedded.  There are also some ideas for extension activities if needed.

How To Use

Use this presentation to provide quick access to all the resources needed from StayWise to deliver this session.  This session is designed for using in schools that have use of laptops, interactive whiteboards and access to the internet.  The presentation only contains prompts and links, it does not contain a suggested script for delivery.  There is an accompanying session guide that contains ideas for discussion points and key learning objectives that should be covered.

For Special Educational Needs

There is a BSL version of The Birthday Cake Mistake for hearing impaired students.

Download Resource

This item is only available to download for blue light users. Please contact your local service for support with this item.

Appears in these lesson plans