This lesson plan is based around the accompanying animated 'Bitesize Video - Stop, Drop and Roll' in which Firefighter Jack explains the stop, drop and roll technique. This is a life saving technique and is the best course of action to take if your clothes ever catch fire. This lesson plan provides details on how to develop a short practical lesson that encourages the children to practise the 'stop, drop and roll' technique together as practising the process will hopefully help them to remember it more easily in an emergency situation. Through this lesson, children will also learn the reasons why they should stop, drop and roll.
How To Use
This lesson plan can be used to guide you and provide ideas for delivering a lesson based around the video. To access the accompanying Bitesize Stop, Drop and Roll video, please click the link for 'Resource 1' which can be found below. This lesson can be incorporated into PSHE learning or as a warm up activity in a PE session however to deliver the lesson safely, you will need to ensure that you have an empty and safe space for the children to practice the technique such as in the school hall or on a grassed area. To remind the children of what to do, the stop, drop and roll poster could be displayed during the session, please click 'Resource 2' below to access this resource.