The Halloween and Bonfire night period is traditionally extremely busy for the emergency services as the demand for services rises significantly. Screams are expected during the Halloween season, but Halloween screams should be the result of innocent fun – and not because of fires or injuries that could have easily been avoided. There are many extra hazards to be cautious of around Halloween time. This presentation will be highlighting the things to look out for and will offer tips on how to stay safe this Halloween season. Halloween and Bonfire Night also sees a spike in anti-social behaviour, with people believing they can get away with bad behaviour just because it is Halloween. This presentation addresses the issues of ASB around this period and using a powerful Police film, it encourages young people to think about how they would feel if it happened to them.
How To Use
Through delivery of this lesson, pupils will be encouraged to think about ways to stay safe this Halloween. This presentation can be used during a PSHE session to advise and inform students or there are also additional suggested activities within the accompanying lesson plan, which can be used throughout other areas of the curriculum to expand and enhance the pupils' learning and understanding.
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