Alex and the Firefighters - Maths Year 3


This worksheet accompanies the 'Alex and the Firefighters - Maths' video, an engaging and interactive animated video which introduces the concept of telling the time.  The video explores how time is really important to firefighters, not only do they need to be quick when responding to emergency calls but also the breathing apparatus they wear when entering a smoke filled building is limited by time, knowing how long they can stay inside, is vital for their safety. The video challenges children to work out times on a clock with the added challenge of using time to work out the name of the Fire Investigation dog in the video.  This worksheet provides two activities for the children to complete.  The first gives the children the opportunity to work out what time the fire engine will arrive at an incident after leaving the station whilst the second activity invites the children to help to keep the firefighters safe by working out what time they must come out of the fire when wearing their breathing apparatus.

How To Use

This worksheet is designed to be used with Year 3 children alongside the 'Alex and the Firefighters - Maths' video which can be found pinned below (Resource 1).  During the video, Firefighter Alex allows children time to complete the activities on the worksheet.  The video can be paused to allow for extra time to complete the activities if necessary.  It is advised to print out the worksheet beforehand and to ensure each child has a pen or a pencil in order to complete the worksheet before playing the video.

The other levels of the maths worksheet and the answers for each can be found under 'Related Resources' below.

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