Arson/Hoax Calls - Choices and Consequences


This lesson plan provides detailed guidance for the delivery of the accompanying 'Arson/Hoax Calls - Choices and Consequences' presentation which is a Personal Social Health and Economic (PSHE) lesson exploring the consequences of Arson and Hoax Calls.  The lesson focuses on the characters of the ‘Heat of the Moment’ film, which is embedded into the presentation, pupils are encouraged to think about peer pressure, anti-social behaviours and how every choice they make has a consequence. The lesson is discussion-based lesson which will give pupils the opportunity to offer their own opinions whilst listening to and respecting the views of others.

How To Use

To access the accompanying 'Arson/Hoax Calls - Choices and Consequences' presentation, please click the link for 'Resource 1' which can be found below.  The content within this lesson may be triggering for some pupils. It is advised that the person delivering the lesson watches the 'Heat of the Moment' film beforehand so that they are prepared for any questions or emotions which may arise from the pupils.  Enquire beforehand whether any pupil has been previously affected by fire either physically or emotionally and assess well-being of any affected individuals before continuing with the lesson.

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