GMFRS adopt StayWise as their preferred source of Prevention Education
In May 2024, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMFRS) adopted StayWise as our preferred source of fire, road a...
In May 2024, Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service (GMF...
In May 2024, Greater Manchester Fire and Resc...

Gloucestershire FRS supports schools with arson & hoax call workshops
Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service's safety centre SkillZONE, has been delivering Arson and Hoax Calls assemblies a...
Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service's safety centre Skil...
Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service's saf...

Development of StayWise in Bedfordshire
In 2021, one of our watches in Bedfordshire worked tirelessly to attempt to continue with Year Two visits through the di...
In 2021, one of our watches in Bedfordshire worked tirelessl...
In 2021, one of our watches in Bedfordshire w...