National No Smoking Day

12 Mar - 12 Mar
Since Ash Wednesday 1984, every second Wednesday of March has been dedicated to helping people stop smoking in the UK. National No Smoking Day gives smokers a chance to quit smoking, also offering their loved ones the opportunity to support them in this decision. As of 2019, 77,800 deaths in the UK were attributable to smoking according to the NHS Statistics website. This is 16% of all deaths.
an image of the n h s smokefree logo


<p>These resources are specific to the campaign. Think of it as a readymade curation of resources from our library so you don’t have to do the searching.</p>

Lesson Plans

<p>These lesson plans are built to a consistent standard to take the pressure off you when thinking about pulling together your individual session to meet the key messages of the campaign. Lesson plans are linked to the specific resources you need to deliver the session and some other resources to help you flex the sessions to meet the needs of your learners.</p>