Road Safety - KS4 Drivers and Passengers


This lesson focuses on road safety and explores the consequences of the fatal 4: speeding; driving without a seatbelt; using a mobile phone or a hand-held device whilst driving and driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol.  The presentation includes a video which explores a real-life incident in which a passenger loses their life as a result of not wearing a seatbelt and getting in a car with a driver who was under the influence of alcohol.  This video may be distressing to some viewers. 

How To Use

This lesson plan provides guidance on how to deliver the Road Safety - KS4 Drivers and Passengers presentation which is linked below as 'Resource 1'.  The lesson is designed to be delivered to new drivers, pre-drivers and those who may be starting to travel as passengers in their friends’ vehicles.  It is important to be aware of any members of the audience who may have been affected by a RTC (Road Traffic Collision) or any of the topics covered within the video and/or the presentation.  We advise you to speak to the supervising adult about this before delivering the presentation. Due to the sensitive nature of the lesson content, it is recommended that it is delivered to small groups as opposed to an assembly or lecture style environment.

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