This plan outlines a series of activities that form a session to be delivered to visiting youth groups. The activities are based around the badge requirements for the Scouts and Guides’ fire safety award. The session includes:
- What to do if you discover a fire at home
- Dangers at home and precautions that can be taken
- The benefits of smoke detectors
- How to make a 999 call to the fire service.
There is a presentation for this session that can be displayed as a visual aid and a prompt for each activity and it also contains the video for this session.
How To Use
Use this session guide as a prompt for the firefighter who is leading the session, it has ideas for questions that could be asked to encourage the children to think more carefully about the topics covered. It has a timing guide to help with planning the session and allows time in the visit for the students to tour the fire station and take part in some more hands-on activities too. The accompanying presentation can be displayed during the session and has the images, links and the video needed for the session.
You can find the presentation by clicking on 'Resource 1' below.
Download Lesson Plan
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