Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service have recently invested in equipment to launch their new StayWise Corner. Bryony Clarke - Youth Education and Development Manager at Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service told us:-
"We have had a couple of 1m x 2m banners made up using the StayWise official artwork, which when placed together can form a corner shape in the most open spaces. Inside the corner we have a large activity floor mat, two activity tables and chairs, colouring pencils and crayons- all of which welcomes the children into the space where they are free to select a StayWise print out from the resource table caddy. Whilst the children are busy playing, we have used the time to speak with the guardians (a few of whom have been teachers, Guides and Beaver Leaders), all about the wonderful resource of StayWise, and have encouraged them to scan the website QR code featured on the banner. As a Service we are incredibly enthusiastic about what StayWise has to offer and will continue to promote this wonderful resource far and wide. We have recently launched the StayWise Corner at the Suffolk Show but intend to use this at our Station Open Days and more."
Here at StayWise, we are delighted to learn about the creative ways in which services are beginning to utilise StayWise and we would like to say a huge thank you to Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service for the wonderful work they are doing to promote StayWise within their communities. We shall look forward to catching up with Bryony at the end of the Summer to discover how much of an impact their promotion of StayWise has had, both within their service area and their StayWise service data.