Learn2Live (L2L) is a 60-minute educational, road safety intervention led by an interactive presentation. The presentation has been developed for delivery to young people aged 16 – 19, in larger theatre style settings in colleges and sixth forms. However, it could also be adapted and delivered to smaller groups. The interactive session covers; decision making for young people, inexperience (hazard prediction), and fitness to drive (drink/drug driving, fatigue, distraction). Ideally each section should be presented by a different emergency service representative in a trauma-informed manner.
How To Use
This lesson plan contains guidance notes and a suggested script to support delivery of the Learn2Live road safety intervention presentation. The presentation is 60 minutes long with videos and opportunities for audience participation incorporated. There are three sections to the session and ideally each one should be delivered by a different blue light representative so they can bring their expertise to their section.
The presentation can be found by clicking on 'Resource 1' below.
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This item is only available to download for blue light users. Please contact your local service for support with this item.